Thursday, August 1, 2013

Knights Athletic Club

What's up peeps!!

I'm so excited!!!!! Wanna know why? No?  Too bad... I'm tellin ya anyway!  If you weren't curious you shouldn't have opened the blog.  Muahahahaha! (that's my typed evil laugh... I love it and probably overuse it in emails and facebook posts but I can't help it.)

So after being very, VERY disappointed in my weight after all the changes we've made to our eating, I told you I wanted to start a group at school to work out and be accountable to each other.  I figure more moving=weight loss.  I talked with some other teachers, sent out a school wide email, and.... the response was crazy!!! People are very excited about our game plan!

Here's our schedule:
     Monday - Yoga (taught by one of my fellow faculty members)
     Tuesday - Walking - laps in the building
     Wednesday - Zumba (and other fitness videos as we need a change)
     Thursday - Walking or short videos after faculty meeting
     Friday - Greenway walking if weather allows.

Brilliant elements of the plan:
1. The club will meet in my room so I can't possibly avoid being there!!!
2. We have something going EVERY day! Meetings and other malarkey can't be an excuse!!
3. Yoga and Zumba are FUN so getting started will be easier because I want to do it!
4. By not joining an overcrowded gym like the Clarksville Athletic Club, and working out with friends, I will seriously limit the number of people who will see me embarrassing the crap out of myself! And furthermore, since they're friends, if they laugh at me I can point and laugh right back and that makes it more fun because we're all relaxed and having a good time getting healthier!!!

We don't start for another week so it will be a bit before I can tell you how it's going.  So next week's blog will likely be focused on eating and money.  If the government doesn't get their act together it may just be a list of all the stuff we're selling! LOL!! Seven weeks with NO SIGN of unemployment!! Really!?!?!  Thank heavens we are back to real checks for next months bills!  So proud of Mark by the way! He's doing a great job at school and fitting in really well.  :) 

Ok... until next time!

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